Written text translation

ATT provides written text translation services. The peculiarity of this service is that both the original text and the translated version are fixed on paper and electronically. This means that these materials can be returned repeatedly.

ATT — technical translation services is one of the largest certified linguistic agencies. We provide written translations of texts of any complexity on various topics, including medical, engineering, legal and financial. Written translations into English, Italian, Russian or other languages include proofreading, editing, and formatting in accordance with GOST and ISO.

written translation

Translation of documents is required in many situations:

  • travelling abroad to study or work;
  • buying or selling real estate abroad;
  • tourist travel;
  • developing international business, setting up joint ventures;
  • start-up of imported equipment, and technological lines.

In most cases, it is difficult to do without professional help. A professional business translation will help you to quickly gain favour with foreign partners, gain a reputation as a serious organisation, establish working contacts and overcome language barriers.

written translation of texts

Translation of documents, specialist texts or technical instructions is carried out at our company by translators who not only have advanced knowledge of the foreign language but are also experts in their field.

The linguists at the ATT agency are educated, continually updating their knowledge and keeping up to date with the latest developments in their field. We cooperate with specialists in common and rare world languages, therefore we are able to perform written translation of texts of any subject matter precisely in due time, at a high level and at reasonable prices.

To order a written translation worldwide, please contact us. Submit your request in any convenient way: via the feedback form on our site, by phone, by e-mail or on WhatsApp. Our managers will contact you to agree on the details, terms and cost of work.

If you cooperate with our company you will get a professional written translation prepared in accordance with international standards. Our company guarantees a high degree of responsibility, and maximum speed of translation at minimum cost without compromising the quality of work.


There are several types of translations, depending on the purpose of the document. A full translation means working on the text while retaining its original length. Our office takes upon itself the work of making the final version of the text. This type of service can also be ordered for medical, technical or scientific documents.

For large amounts of scientific and technical information, an abstract approach can be ordered, in which the translator translates selectively the blocks of information containing the most important data. The consultancy approach is also often used for technical and medical documents. It is needed for those clients who have a good command of a foreign language but have difficulty understanding parts of the text. The shortest form is the abstract.


A written translation requires preparation. Translators prepare a glossary and define suitable terms. The more information the client provides, the easier it is to understand the context and avoid mistakes and double interpretations.

The translator then has to get to grips with the subject and, if necessary, seek advice from specialists. The final text is edited and checked for lexical, syntactical and grammatical accuracy. If the result must be drawn up in accordance with national or industry standards, our office takes on this task as well. In technical texts illustrations, drawings and diagrams are inserted into the final document.


We have been on the market for many years. Over this time, the agency has put together a team of translators who specialise in technical, financial, economic and even literary texts. If necessary, they will call on experts in these fields — doctors, engineers, and economists. All documents are always proofread and edited. The client receives a document prepared in compliance with all industry standards.

Our translation company offers:

  • Translations of any complexity.
  • High quality of translations — it is accurate, brevity, and clear structure. Fiction texts preserve the author’s stylistics.
  • Simple calculation of the cost of the work, which depends on the size of the text, complexity, and urgency of work. The cost of ordering a manager calls before the start of work.
  • Choice of a convenient way of payment.

A simple scheme to order the work. You can fill in an application form on the website and wait for a call from the manager to discuss terms.
Apply online now and order a translation from professionals.

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