Translation of software and websites

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Translation of software and websites

Globalisation has led to the emergence of multilingual websites, which are visited by users from different countries. Computer games that have been released in one country become popular and developers want to localise them for other countries. It is for such cases that the translation of websites, software and computer games is needed. It is a young area of linguistic activity. But it is actively developing, and our office has experienced employees who work in it.

We have been specialising in technical IT translations of software and website texts on the internet for many years. We can offer you the best technical specialists to carry out your tasks. We perform adaptation and localisation from foreign languages, mainly English, into Russian. We can also translate your developed software into foreign languages for your company to enter global markets. We have experience in helping you to promote your digital products in Italy, Germany, China, and other countries.

Generally speaking, software translation is an important step in the software localisation process, which involves adapting software for use in other cultural and linguistic environments. Software translation is necessary to make it accessible to users who speak different languages.

Software translation may include translation of the user interface (menus, buttons, dialogue boxes etc.), help and documentation as well as localisation of date, time, number and currency formatting, an adaptation of cultural norms and customs as well as consideration of local legal requirements.

Properly translated software can improve usability and accessibility for users, improve product quality and increase sales.

When translating software we are most often confronted with file formats containing text strings such as:

  • Resource files (.resx) — are used to store application resources such as strings, images, sounds, etc. and are typically used in applications written on .NET or Java platforms.
  • Properties (.properties) files — used to store key-value pairs and often used in Java applications.
  • JSON (.json) files — Used to transfer and store data and are most commonly used in web applications and services.
  • YAML (.yaml) files — Used to store application settings, configuration files, and metadata and often used in infrastructure systems.
  • XML (.xml) files — These are used to store structured data and configuration files, and are used in applications written in multiple programming languages.
  • Excel (.xls, .xlsx) files — Used to store data in tabular form and often used in enterprise systems and applications.
  • PO (.po) files — used in the GNU gettext version control system to store string translations in C and derived language applications.
  • Windows application resource files (.res) — used to store application resources such as strings, images, sounds, etc., and used in applications written on the Windows platform.


Website translation is needed to make the content available to people that speak other languages. If a website is in one language, it may not be understandable to people who do not speak the same language. Website translation helps to broaden a website’s audience and attract new visitors from all over the world.

Website translation can also help businesses, especially if the company operates internationally. Translating a website into languages that are used in different countries can help increase sales and attract new customers. In addition, website translation can improve the reputation of a company in the eyes of potential clients who appreciate the accessibility and usability of the website in their own language.

Overall, website translation is an important tool for expanding your audience, improving your business and increasing the usability of your site for all users.

Which languages a website is most often translated into depends on where the target audience is located. However, the languages in which we most often translate for our customers are

  • English — since it is an international language of communication and is widely used in business and scientific circles.
  • Spanish — this is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, including Latin America and Spain.
  • Chinese — due to the economic growth of China, many companies have started translating their websites into Chinese to attract new customers.
  • French — including Canada, France and countries where French is the official language.
  • German — including Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where it is the official language.
  • Japanese — with Japan being one of the world’s leading economic powers, many companies are translating their websites into Japanese.
  • Italian — including Italy, Switzerland and other countries where it is the official language.

Of course, these are not all the languages into which websites are translated. If your audience is located, for example, in Kazakhstan, then a site in Kazakh, besides Russian and English, will be closer and clearer to your customers.

Our company has huge experience in translating and localization of websites and digital products. We will be glad if you choose us for your tasks.


Such translation is called localization because it is not just a matter of producing an accurate translation, but also of adapting the source text for new users. Localization is a complex process in which the information is adapted to the cultural context to which the target audience of the project is accustomed. For example, in a computer game, it could be some kind of reference to popular films or local realities.

Localisation includes:

  • Translation of the user interface of the software, website or computer game (as well as its documentation and help information).
  • Adaptation of the software to the standards prevailing in the country for which the translation is being made. This applies to date format, units of measurement, currencies, etc.
  • Checking the product for the symbols and colour combinations used in it — some of these are considered unacceptable in a given cultural environment.
  • Final assembly and debugging of the localised product.

These services are required by companies that want to reach foreign audiences with their product.


It is not simply a translation that requires knowledge of a foreign language. The translator must understand the cultural aspects of the country for which the localization is being done. He/she needs to understand what linguistic clichés are used by the foreign audience and how a text or story can be reworked to reflect their every day realities etc. Moreover, the translator needs to understand the specifics of information technology, be it software or a website.


Our company has been active on the market for many years. One of our areas of activity is the localization and maintenance of multilingual websites. We cooperate with game developers and software developers. For example, we have localized «Alpha: Anti-Terror» for English-speaking users and translated «The Fall» from German. Our portfolio includes other examples of product localization for foreign and domestic users.

To order software, website, or game translation, simply leave an application on our website. Once our translators have estimated the amount of work to be done, we will be able to quote prices and set deadlines. A team of translators will work on each project to localize by the deadline. An editor supervises the quality of localized texts. All terms are agreed with the client, he will be able to choose the most convenient form of communication and method of payment.

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