Invoice translation

Invoice translation

The translation of an invoice is often required for US, English and Italian companies engaged in foreign trade with companies from other countries. Often, the translation of an invoice also accompanies the necessary translation of other documents: invoices, statements of work, payment details of the organisation, and so on. How professionally and qualitatively these documents are translated, shows the level of the company and the company’s face in the eyes of its foreign colleagues.

An invoice is a payment document in which a seller of goods or services confirms its payment obligations to a buyer. The most common is the translation of an invoice from English into Russian or vice versa when selling goods or services from the Russian Federation to other countries.

Often, the translation of the invoice is necessary to provide to the customs authorities in the declaration of goods coming from abroad, such as cars, medicines, precision measuring equipment and other imports coming into our country. Such translations are usually certified by the seal of the translation agency or the signature of the translator, with the provision of his education documents, which confirm the qualifications.

The main difficulties encountered in translating invoices and bills

  1. An abundance of precise information and numbers. It is easier for a translator to work with solid text rather than a collection of numbers and figures. When translating invoices, it is more likely to make a mistake in numbers. A translation must be checked very carefully several times before it is delivered to the client.
  2. Complex formatting. As a rule, an invoice is a rather complicated table with many rows and columns. A translator spends a lot of time on their processing and layout.
  3. The names of the products are shown without any context. The translator has to guess from the short name listed on the invoice that it corresponds to the correct translation.
  4. A bad copy of a document provided by the client. More often than not, it is not the original document that has to be translated, but rather a bad copy, which is not always legible.

Entrust your invoice translation from English into Russian to our company and you will be satisfied with the quality of the translation, the deadlines and the assigned cost. We can also professionally handle invoice translation into English or any other language that is considered official in the country you are starting to work with.

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