Enhancing User Experience: Software Localization for Technical Applications

In today’s interconnected world, software applications play a critical role in various industries, including engineering, manufacturing, and technology. To reach a global audience and ensure a seamless user experience, software localization for technical applications has become essential. This article will explore the importance of software localization for technical applications and how it can enhance user experience and drive business success.

  1. Software Localization for Technical ApplicationsAdapting to Local Markets: Software localization involves adapting a software application to the language, culture, and preferences of the target market. For technical applications, this process is even more crucial as it ensures that users worldwide can understand and effectively utilize the software. By localizing technical software, you can break language barriers, improve usability, and cater to the unique requirements of different regions.
  2. Language and Terminology Accuracy: Technical applications often contain complex terminology and specialized terms that need to be accurately translated and localized. A professional localization team with expertise in technical translations can ensure that the terminology is adapted correctly to maintain accuracy and preserve the intended meaning. This helps users navigate the software seamlessly and boosts their confidence in its reliability.
  3. Intuitive User Interface: A successful technical application not only requires precise functionality but also an intuitive user interface (UI). Software localization for technical applications ensures that the UI elements, such as menus, buttons, and tooltips, are translated appropriately and aligned with the target culture’s UI preferences. This enhances the user experience by providing a familiar and user-friendly interface, resulting in increased user engagement and satisfaction.
  4. Formatting and Layout: Localization of technical applications goes beyond language translation. It also involves adapting the formatting and layout to suit the target market’s preferences. This includes considerations such as date and time formats, measurement units, and text directionality. By paying attention to these details, software localization ensures that the application appears professional and seamlessly integrates with the user’s environment.
  5. Compliance with Local Regulations: Different regions often have specific legal and regulatory requirements that software applications must adhere to. Through software localization, technical applications can be modified to comply with local regulations, ensuring that users have access to compliant and legally acceptable software. This not only enhances the user experience but also helps businesses maintain their reputation and avoid legal complications.
  6. User Support and Documentation: Software localization also encompasses user support and documentation. Providing localized user manuals, FAQs, and customer support in the user’s native language enhances their ability to understand and utilize the technical application effectively. It reduces the learning curve, increases user confidence, and encourages wider software adoption.
  7. Market Expansion and Competitive Advantage: By localizing your technical application, you open doors to new markets and gain a competitive advantage. A localized application demonstrates your commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of local users. It increases your credibility, attracts a broader user base, and positions your business as a global player in the industry.

Software localization for technical applications is crucial for businesses aiming to reach a global audience and provide an exceptional user experience. By adapting the language, terminology, user interface, and compliance with local regulations, businesses can break barriers, enhance usability, and gain a competitive edge. Investing in professional software localization services is a strategic move that enables businesses to expand their market reach, boost user satisfaction, and achieve long-term success in the global landscape of technical applications.

Unlock the Power of Global Markets: Choose Our Software Localization Services for Technical Applications

In an increasingly globalized world, software applications have become a driving force behind businesses in various industries. To harness the full potential of international markets, software localization for technical applications is essential. At our translation services company, we offer specialized software localization services tailored specifically for technical applications. Choose our translation services company for software localization of specialised applications, and unlock the power of global markets. With our expertise, customized solutions, user-centric approach, and commitment to excellence, we will help you reach a broader audience, enhance user experience, and achieve business success on a global scale. Contact us today to discuss your software localization needs and embark on a successful journey of global expansion!

In the world of translation, accuracy and cultural sensitivity are paramount. When it comes to translating into or from the Russian language, the role of native Russian translators becomes indispensable. Native Russian translators possess an inherent understanding of the language, culture, and nuances that are crucial for delivering high-quality translations. In this article, we will explore the importance of native Russian translators and how they contribute to achieving linguistic excellence.

  1. Native Russian translatorsLinguistic Fluency and Authenticity: Native Russian translators are fluent in the language from birth. They have a deep understanding of Russian grammar, vocabulary, idioms, and syntax, enabling them to produce translations that sound natural and authentic. Their innate language skills allow them to capture the true essence of the source text and convey it accurately in the target language, ensuring that the translated content resonates with Russian-speaking audiences.
  2. Cultural and Contextual Awareness: Language is intricately linked to culture, and accurate translation goes beyond mere word-to-word conversion. Native Russian translators possess an innate understanding of Russian culture, customs, and societal norms. They are familiar with cultural references, idiomatic expressions, and subtleties that may not be apparent to non-native speakers. This cultural awareness allows them to provide translations that are not only linguistically accurate but also culturally appropriate, ensuring that the message is conveyed effectively without any misinterpretations or misunderstandings.
  3. Nuances and Expressions: Every language has its own set of nuances and expressions that can be challenging to translate accurately. Native Russian translators are well-versed in these nuances and can effectively convey the intended meaning of the source text. They understand the intricacies of Russian literary devices, humor, and rhetorical techniques, ensuring that the translated content captures the same impact and tone as the original. By leveraging their deep understanding of the language, native Russian translators bring a level of finesse to the translation process, resulting in high-quality, nuanced translations.
  4. Tailored Localization: Localization is a crucial aspect of translation when targeting specific regions or markets. Native Russian translators have an innate understanding of the target audience, allowing them to adapt the translated content to suit the preferences and cultural expectations of Russian-speaking readers. They can localize marketing materials, software interfaces, websites, and other content, ensuring that it resonates with the target audience, effectively engages them, and helps businesses establish a strong presence in the Russian market.
  5. Industry-Specific Expertise: Native Russian translators often specialize in specific industries, such as legal, medical, technical, marketing, or financial translations. Their specialized knowledge enables them to accurately translate industry-specific terminology, ensuring that the translated content maintains its technical accuracy and meets the requirements of the target audience. Whether it’s legal contracts, medical documents, technical manuals, or marketing materials, native Russian translators bring a wealth of industry-specific expertise to deliver translations of the highest quality.

Native Russian translators are invaluable assets in the world of translation. Their linguistic fluency, cultural awareness, and innate understanding of the Russian language and culture ensure that translations are accurate, culturally appropriate, and linguistically impeccable. By entrusting your translation needs to native Russian translators, you can be confident that your message will be effectively conveyed to the target audience, helping you build trust, expand your reach, and achieve linguistic excellence in the Russian-speaking market.

Why to choose us

Are you in need of top-quality translations into or from Russian? Look no further! We are your premier choice. Choose us as your native Russian translators, and experience the difference that linguistic expertise and cultural sensitivity can make in your translations. Contact us today to discuss your project, and let us help you achieve flawless linguistic excellence in all your Russian translations!

In today’s interconnected world, businesses and industries are expanding beyond borders, and effective communication has become paramount. When it comes to technical content, accurate and precise translations are crucial to ensure seamless collaboration, compliance with regulations, and successful market penetration. This is where specialized technical translations play a vital role. In this article, we will explore the importance of specialized technical translations and how they contribute to global success. (далее…)

How to choose the right translation agency

In today’s globalized world, businesses are increasingly operating across borders. This means that they need to be able to communicate effectively with customers and partners in different languages. One of the most important aspects of cross-border communication is accurate translation.

Accurate translations are essential for a number of reasons. First, they help to ensure that messages are communicated clearly and unambiguously. This is important for both business and personal communication. For example, if you are trying to give instructions to someone in a foreign language, an inaccurate translation could lead to confusion or even danger.

Second, accurate translations help to build trust and credibility. When customers and partners know that they can rely on your translations, they are more likely to do business with you. This is especially important for businesses that are trying to establish themselves in new markets.

Third, accurate translations can help to avoid legal problems. In some cases, inaccurate translations can lead to lawsuits or other legal action. This is because legal documents often contain complex and technical language that needs to be translated accurately.

Finally, accurate translations can help to promote your brand. When your website, marketing materials, and other content is translated accurately, it shows potential customers that you are a professional and reputable business. This can help you to attract new customers and grow your business.

If you are looking for a translation company, it is important to choose one that has a proven track record of accuracy. You should also ask about the company’s quality assurance procedures. A reputable translation company will have a system in place to ensure that all translations are checked for accuracy before they are delivered to the client.

By choosing a translation company that is committed to accuracy, you can be sure that your translations will be of the highest quality. This will help you to communicate effectively with customers and partners in different languages, build trust and credibility, avoid legal problems, and promote your brand.

Here are some tips for choosing a translation company:

  1. Get recommendations from friends, colleagues, or other businesses.

One of the best ways to find a good translation company is to get recommendations from people you trust. If you know someone who has used a translation company in the past, ask them for their opinion. They may be able to recommend a company that has a good track record and provides high-quality translations.

  1. Ask for quotes from several companies.

Once you have a few recommendations, it’s time to start asking for quotes. This will give you a better idea of the prices and services that are available. Be sure to ask about the company’s turnaround time and whether they offer any guarantees.

  1. Compare the quality of the translations.

Once you have received quotes from several companies, it’s time to compare the quality of the translations. This can be done by requesting a sample translation. This will give you a chance to see how the company handles different types of text.

  1. Make sure the company has a good reputation.

It’s important to make sure that the company you choose has a good reputation. You can do this by checking online reviews or asking for references. You should also be sure to ask about the company’s security measures. This is especially important if you are having sensitive documents translated.

  1. Ask about the company’s quality assurance procedures.

A reputable translation company will have a system in place to ensure that all translations are checked for accuracy. This may include having the translations reviewed by a second translator or using a computer-aided translation (CAT) tool.

By following these tips, you can be sure to choose a translation company that will provide you with accurate and high-quality translations.

Here are some additional tips that you may find helpful:

  • Choose a company that specializes in the languages you need translated.
  • Make sure the company has experience translating the type of content you need translated.
  • Ask about the company’s turnaround time and delivery methods.
  • Be clear about your budget and expectations.
  • Get everything in writing, including the price, the deadline, and the scope of work.

By following these tips, you can be sure to choose a translation company that will meet your needs and expectations.

In today’s globalized world, businesses are increasingly operating across borders. This means that they need to be able to communicate effectively with customers and partners in different languages. One of the most important aspects of cross-border communication is accurate translation.

The importance of accurate translations

Accurate translations are essential for a number of reasons. First, they help to ensure that messages are communicated clearly and unambiguously. This is important for both business and personal communication. For example, if you are trying to give instructions to someone in a foreign language, an inaccurate translation could lead to confusion or even danger.

Second, accurate translations help to build trust and credibility. When customers and partners know that they can rely on your translations, they are more likely to do business with you. This is especially important for businesses that are trying to establish themselves in new markets.

Third, accurate translations can help to avoid legal problems. In some cases, inaccurate translations can lead to lawsuits or other legal action. This is because legal documents often contain complex and technical language that needs to be translated accurately.

Finally, accurate translations can help to promote your brand. When your website, marketing materials, and other content is translated accurately, it shows potential customers that you are a professional and reputable business. This can help you to attract new customers and grow your business.

If you are looking for a translation company, it is important to choose one that has a proven track record of accuracy. You should also ask about the company’s quality assurance procedures. A reputable translation company will have a system in place to ensure that all translations are checked for accuracy before they are delivered to the client.

By choosing a translation company that is committed to accuracy, you can be sure that your translations will be of the highest quality. This will help you to communicate effectively with customers and partners in different languages, build trust and credibility, avoid legal problems, and promote your brand.

Here are some tips for choosing a translation company:

  • Get recommendations from friends, colleagues, or other businesses.
  • Ask for quotes from several companies.
  • Compare the quality of the translations.
  • Make sure the company has a good reputation.
  • Ask about the company’s quality assurance procedures.

By following these tips, you can be sure to choose a translation company that will provide you with accurate and high-quality translations.

1. Which technical terms should be translated and which should be left in their original language?

top 10 technical translationWhen translating technical texts, you must be aware that some technical terms have well-established equivalents in other languages, while others may be unique and have no exact match in another language.

Generally speaking, technical terms that have a well-established equivalent in other languages are translated. For example, the word «computer» is translated into Russian as «computer» and the word «network» as «network».

However, there are instances where technical terms have a unique meaning in the context of a particular field of expertise, and translating such terms can lead to loss of meaning. In such cases, it is better to leave the term in its original language and add a translation in brackets or a footnote so that the reader can understand the meaning of the term.

It is also important to consider the target audience of the text. If the text is intended for professionals in a particular field of expertise, you may leave some technical terms in the original language if they are well-established in that field. If, on the other hand, the text is aimed at a general audience, it is better to translate most technical terms to make it easier to understand the text.

2. How to translate technical abbreviations that have no standard equivalents in the target language?

Translating technical abbreviations that have no standard equivalents in the target language can be a challenge for the translator. However, there are several methods that can help in such cases:

  • Leave the abbreviation in the source language and add a definition or a transcription in brackets to it. For example: «RAM (random access memory)».
  • Use a term that more or less matches the function or description of the abbreviation in the target language and add a bracketed abbreviation to it. For example: «CPU (central processing unit)».
  • If the abbreviation is very specific to a particular industry or area of expertise, it may be appropriate to leave it in its original language and provide an explanation of its meaning and usage in the context in which it is used.

In any case, it is important to ensure clarity and comprehensibility for the reader, who may not be familiar with the abbreviation in its original language.

3. How can technical translation be kept accurate without sacrificing readability for general users?

Maintaining technical translation accuracy and readability for general users can be a challenge, but there are some methods that can help achieve the right balance.

  • Use clear and simple language: When translating technical texts, it is important to use simple and comprehensible language that will not cause difficulties for general users. Using complex terms and phrases can lead to confusion and misunderstanding.
  • Use of terms and terminology: In order to maintain the accuracy of a technical translation, it is important to use terms and terminology that accurately convey the meaning and content of the source text. However, if terms are incomprehensible to ordinary users, explanatory comments or a definition of the term in brackets or a footnote can be used.
  • Do not delete information: It is important to retain all information contained in the original text. However, if some parts of the text may be unclear or inconvenient to read, they can be reworded without changing the meaning.
  • Splitting the text into paragraphs: Splitting the text into paragraphs can improve readability and make it more accessible to ordinary users. Also, using lists or bulleted lists can simplify the structure of the text.
  • Read the text aloud: When translating technical texts, it is important to check that the text sounds natural and understandable. Read the text aloud to make sure it sounds competent and easy to read.
  • Use context: Using context can help to understand the meaning of terms and phrases that may be unfamiliar to ordinary users. Adding additional sentences or paragraphs can help clarify meaning.
  • Check the translation: It is important to check your translation for errors and inaccuracies. Check grammar, correct use of terms and general accuracy of the translation. Also, it is recommended to review the translation from a normal user’s point of view to make sure that the text is clear and accessible.
  • Use specialized tools: There are specialized tools that can help maintain the accuracy of a technical translation and improve its readability. For example, you can use glossaries, which provide definitions of terms used in the text, or software programs that help translate the text into plain and simple language.
  • Collaboration with experts: If you are translating a highly technical text, you can ask experts in the field to check the accuracy of the translation and the use of terms. This will help maintain the accuracy of the translation and improve its readability.
  • Upgrading your skills: To maintain the accuracy of technical translation, you need to constantly upgrade your skills by learning new terms and technical concepts. It is also important to follow the development of technical vocabulary and use new tools and technologies that will help improve the quality of the translation.

4. How to translate technical documents that require certain formatting, tables and diagrams?

Translation of technical documents that require compliance with specific formatting, tables and charts can be quite complex. In order to ensure that the translation is accurate and corresponds to the original document, you should consider the following tips:

  1. Familiarise yourself with the source document beforehand. Before you start translating a technical document, it is important to understand its content and structure. Familiarise yourself with the terminology, formatting and layout to ensure that your translation will be accurate and consistent with the source document.
  2. Retain the formatting and layout. If your source document contains tables, charts, images or other formatting elements, you should preserve these elements in your translation. This helps preserve the structure of the document and makes the text easier to understand.
  3. Use specialized terms. Technical documents often contain specialized terms that may have a narrow meaning and significance. Using the correct terms can improve understanding of the text and ensure accuracy of the translation.
  4. Do not translate verbatim. Some terms and phrases may have a specific meaning in the context of a technical document and cannot be translated verbatim. The translator must be able to recognise these instances and provide a more appropriate translation.
  5. Use translation software. There are many software tools that can help translators translate technical documents, preserving the formatting and structure of the document. Some of these tools can automatically translate text and preserve structure, which can significantly speed up the translation process.

In general, translating technical documents requires a careful approach and consideration of many factors. Following the advice above can help preserve the accuracy and structure of the document during the translation process.

5. How can differences in terminology and standards between different countries and regions be taken into account?

The following methods can be used to account for differences in terminology and standards between different countries and regions:

  • Researching local norms and standards: before starting work in a new region or country, local norms and standards should be researched to understand how they differ from those used in other countries or regions.
  • Consultation with local experts: It is useful to seek advice from local experts who can help to understand local norms and standards and provide relevant information.
  • Use of universal terminology: when working with different countries and regions, it is possible to use universal terminology that is understood by all project participants.
  • Harmonization of terminology: The terminology used in the project should be agreed upon with participants from different countries and regions before starting work. This will help to avoid misunderstandings and clarify the understanding of the terms used in the project.
  • Translation into the local language: in some cases it is necessary to translate the documentation and materials into the local language to ensure better understanding and communication between project participants.
  • Use of international standards: Where possible, international standards that are recognized in different countries and regions should be used. This will help unify processes and ensure compatibility of systems and technologies.

6. How to ensure terminology consistency within large projects using different translators?

Ensuring terminology consistency within large projects using different translators can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Creating a glossary: It is important to create a glossary that contains a list of key terms and their respective translations in all the languages used in the project. This glossary can be used as a single source of correct terms for all translators and will help to unify terminology in the project.
  • Use of a CAT system: A Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) translation support system can help to maintain terminology consistency in a project. A CAT system enables the translators to create a database of translations, which can be used to ensure terminology consistency in a project.
  • Appointing a main translator: One way to ensure terminology consistency in large projects is to assign a main translator who will be responsible for terminology consistency throughout the project. This can be a highly qualified translator who will be responsible for creating and updating the glossary, as well as editing translations created by other translators to ensure consistency.
  • Regular communication with the translators: Communication with the translators is very important to ensure consistency of terminology in the project. Regular communication helps to clarify the nuances of the translations and ensure consistency of terminology between translators.
  • Quality assurance: Quality assurance can help identify and correct any inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the terminology. This can be done using different quality control tools, such as software to automatically search for inaccuracies in translations, as well as manual quality control of translations.

A combination of these approaches can help ensure terminology consistency in large projects using different translators. It’s important to understand that creating consistent terminology is a lengthy process, requiring effort and time from everyone involved in the project. However, in the end, it will help ensure higher quality translations and reduce inaccuracies in terminology, which, in turn, will increase customer and project user satisfaction.

7. How can the specific nuances of different technical sectors be taken into account to ensure the best quality translation?

In order to ensure the best quality translation, the specific nuances of different technical sectors need to be taken into account. Here are a few tips that can help:

  • Research the technical terminology of the industry for which you need to translate. This may include researching dictionaries, terminology databases, and contacting subject matter experts.
  • Understand the context. A technical translation can contain many technical terms that can have different meanings in different contexts. Therefore, it is important to understand the context in which the term is used.
  • Be aware of cultural differences. Some technical terms and concepts may be different in different cultures. It is therefore important to be culturally sensitive to ensure that the translation is accurate and understandable.
  • Use translation software. Modern machine translation systems can ease the process of translating technical texts. However, it is important to note that they cannot replace a professional translator.
  • Work with a professional translator who has experience in the relevant technical field. This will help ensure high quality of translation and reduce translation errors.

8. How do you handle and translate special symbols and formulas that are used in technical documents?

There are various approaches and tools to process and translate special symbols and formulas that are used in technical documents.

  • Using specialised programmes and editors: There are editors and programmes that are specifically designed for working with technical documents. They allow formulas and symbols to be entered and processed in a special format which can then be exported to other formats. Some of these programmes, such as LaTeX, MathType, Microsoft Equation Editor, are compatible with most word processing software.
  • Using online tools: There are online services that allow you to enter and edit formulas and symbols in a special format. Some of these tools, such as Mathpix, allow you to recognise formulas and symbols written by hand and convert them to text format.
  • Manual translation: In cases where there is no possibility to use specialised software or online tools, special symbols and formulas can be translated manually. This requires knowledge of the relevant symbols and formulas in the source and target languages, as well as the ability to transcribe and transliterate them correctly.
  • Use of glossaries and terminology databases: In order to facilitate the translation of technical documents, glossaries and terminology databases can be used, containing terms and definitions, including special symbols and formulas, with their correspondence in different languages.

9. How can translations that take into account inter-lingual differences in grammar and style be provided?

There are several factors to consider in order to provide a translation that takes into account inter-lingual differences in grammar and style:

  • Choosing an experienced and qualified translator who has a good knowledge of both the source language and the target language. It is also important that the translator has knowledge of the grammar, punctuation and style specific to the target language.
  • Use specialised translation software and tools that can help with translation, taking into account grammar and style.
  • Conduct post-translation editing and proofreading to ensure that the translation meets the grammar and style requirements of the target language.
  • Pay attention to cultural and linguistic differences between the source language and the target language to ensure accuracy and adequacy of the translation.
  • Pay attention to the context in which the text is used in order to correctly convey meaning and intonation.
  • Do not use machine translation as a primary tool, especially in cases where accuracy and quality of translation are important. Machine translation does not always take into account the grammar and style of the language, which may result in an incorrect translation.

10. How to ensure the confidentiality and security of a translation, especially if it contains sensitive information?

Several methods can be used to ensure the confidentiality and security of a translation containing confidential information:

  • Choose a reliable and trusted translator. Use translators who have a good reputation and sufficient experience in translating confidential documents. Ensure that the translator knows and abides by confidentiality and security rules.
  • Sign a confidentiality agreement with the translator. The contract should define the rights and obligations of the parties, the conditions of storage and use of the documents, and measures to prevent leakage of information.
  • Use secure channels of communication. Transmission of documents and information should be through secure channels of communication such as encryption, virtual private networks (VPNs), secure cloud storage, etc.
  • Store documents in a secure location. Once transferred, documents should be stored in a secure location, e.g. secure cloud storage or secure servers.
  • Destroy the documents after use. Once the documents have been used, they should be destroyed in accordance with confidentiality and security rules.
  • Use translation programmes with data protection features. Some translation programmes may have data protection features, such as data encryption, which may be useful when translating confidential documents.
  • Restrict access to the documents. Access to confidential documents should only be restricted to those who have a need to access this information.

Visit our Italian web site: ATT — Traduzione Tecnica for more information regarding Italian translations.

Translation of SoftwareThe main characteristic of translation in the IT field is the lack of standards that are common to other technical texts. It is a fast-moving industry, with many concepts becoming obsolete before generally accepted localisation rules are in place. Software translation is a complex branch of linguistic activity. It is handled by specialists who are highly-qualified in the IT field. And even professionals have to consult regularly with software developers and programmers. Our translation company works with experienced translators who are involved in the localization of various software and know all the intricacies of this activity.

Technical problems

When translating software, one of the most common problems is the mismatch between the length of the original text and its localised version. When translating from English to Russian, the most common character ratio is 1:1.2. But there are languages that have an even more different structure than Russian. There, the ratio can be more pronounced. In practice, this leads to having to change the size of interface elements, their location, and their alignment.

The localisation standards do not require the translator to maintain the exact number of characters. However, if your original text is very concise in menu items, you need to make your Russian translation equally concise in order to preserve the richness of the original interface.

Another technical problem is the translation of names of folders and files. They are service objects, you should not be too keen on translating them. Otherwise, it may turn out that files with Cyrillic names are not correctly processed by the operating system.

A translator often has to work in an environment where he/she is not aware of all the technical details related to the functioning of a particular program. But they still have to interact with software developers on a regular basis. In some cases they have to create special language modules. In this respect translation of software into Russian is less problematic than localization into Chinese, Japanese or Arabic.

Linguistic difficulties

Translators who do software localization face difficulties from which traditional translators are spared. They are:

The lack of a context by which to understand the agreement of cases, numbers etc.;
Companies and developers using their own («proprietary») terminology;
Cases where a term is used in different meanings in the same software product.
Large companies such as Microsoft pay a lot of attention to localisation issues. This firm has produced more than a hundred localisation guides for their products, which can be found on their portal. There is also a terminology base which can be used as a basis for localization. However, even with this serious approach, not all of the Mycrosfoot terms are well understood in Russian — for example, «breakdown marker» or «pointer» look too unfamiliar to native speakers.

The translator who is to do the localisation is required to

  • in-depth knowledge of the subject area;
  • proficiency in two languages — the original text and the target language;
  • expertise in IT technology;
  • experience in localization of computer programmes;
  • ability to work in a team.

These are the types of specialists our translation agency works with. This allows us to achieve excellent results in all areas of linguistic activity.

legal translationLegal texts require a maximum of accuracy in their translation. Therefore, the translators who work with them must know the basics of jurisprudence, legal and cultural traditions of the country whose language is being translated. They need to keep abreast of the developments in the field, because new laws may be passed, amendments may be made, etc.

Challenges of legal translation

It is not enough to know the legal terminology in order to translate documents professionally. You need to understand how the source text is constructed. For example, in legal documents the same noun can be repeated several times in a row in the same sentence or in several adjacent sentences. This is not a tautology. It is intended to make the document as precise as possible in order to avoid possible ambiguities and different interpretations. Transparency is one of the main requirements for legal translation.

In any country, normative documents are drawn up according to standards that have been developed over decades. The translator must retain the structure of the document and follow these rules wherever possible.

A legal translation requires retention of an official style, objective presentation of information without any emotional connotations. The translator must remember that although the document was created in one system, it must also work well in another. Therefore, all of the information in the source document must be copied into the target text as fully as possible.

To do a good job, a translator uses not only legal dictionaries but also reference books. He must understand not only the law but also peculiarities of commercial, banking and insurance operations if he translates contracts. As in other fields, knowledge of generally accepted international and national abbreviations, acronyms and units of measurement is a must.

What documents does a translator work with

Legal translation is a work with:

  • legal acts, irrespective of whether they have been passed or are in a draft stage;
  • agreements and contracts;
  • notarial certificates and documents of civil status or title deeds;
  • Statutory documents.

Each of these types has its own characteristics, scope of application, and nuances of execution. The translator is required to know all these rules and subtleties. You need to be very attentive and responsible. Even a small mistake or a misprint can lead to millions in damages or lawsuits. That is why our translation company has an editor who checks the text of the document after it has been handled by a team of translators. In complex cases lawyers can be involved.

What is required of a translator

A professional translation requires:

  • accuracy (in the case of legal documents — verbatim);
  • conciseness;
  • clarity;
  • conciseness;
  • compliance with accepted rules for document formatting.

Translators working in this field require not only linguistic but also legal education. Our translation agency cooperates with such specialists. Our translators are well-versed in the major categories of Russian, international and continental law. This enables them to draw parallels between foreign and domestic terms even when there is no exact match between them.

Medical translationA separate field of linguistic activity is the translation of medical texts. It requires specialist knowledge of terminology as well as knowledge of the medical field. This field differs from conventional scientific or technical translation. Common terms work here, those most often having Greek or Latin roots, as well as national names for diseases. In China, for example, not only international designations are used, but also traditional ones. This makes the work of translators in this field very difficult.

Features of medical translations

The translation of medical texts involves:

The need for correct transcription of abbreviations and acronyms.
Maximum accuracy (virtually verbatim) and completeness of the presentation of the material in the original text.
The use of International anatomical nomenclature. And translators sometimes need to use not only the latest editions, but also those that were approved earlier — it all depends on what text he works with.

However, even experienced translators may encounter some difficulties. For example, there are units of measurement. Different countries have different rules. In Russia, for example, the haemoglobin level in a blood test is measured in grams per litre, while in English-speaking countries it is measured in grams per deciliter. The translator has to translate to the correct unit of measurement or choose another option, which is more familiar to the Russian-speaking reader.

Another problem is the homonymy that occurs in medical documents. The context is very important, because AC can stand for aortic stenosis or ankylosing spondyloarthritis, which are two fundamentally different diseases. As with other translations, there are so-called ‘false friends’, the same sound in different languages but different meanings.

There are other nuances that need to be clarified. For instance, in Spanish, the word «intoxicado» does not simply mean poisoning, but intoxication due to external factors, while in Russian and English, it is used to refer to alcohol or drugs. An interpreter error in Florida resulted in a misdiagnosis and cost the clinic more than $70 million in compensation. Therefore, interpreters often consult doctors if they lack the expertise to understand the context.

Requirements for translators in the medical field

Our translation company works with experienced specialists who specialise in the fields of medicine and pharmacology. They know not only «live» foreign languages but also «dead» languages such as Latin and Greek, at least to the extent necessary to adapt medical documentation. People who work on translating medical texts must have an understanding of chemistry, pharmacology, biology.

What is required from the translators is a high level of erudition, immersion in the subject area (all changes must be tracked), as well as the ability to maintain confidentiality. After all, when translating documents the translators get access to personal information about a citizen’s health status, etc. Translating a medical text is in some ways akin to consulting a doctor. Therefore, it has to be treated accordingly.

A medical translation is always a great responsibility. It requires great accuracy and the ability to cope with negative information. Reading medical texts is not for hypochondriacs and hypochondriacs. Moreover, in the process of translating one actually receives a lot of negative information (data on the epidemiological situation, other people’s diagnoses, statistics on cancer). Therefore, the interpreter must be able to cope with such stress.

literary worksOne type of translation activity is the translation of a text. It is distinguished from technical translations by the properties of the original itself. A literary work can describe objective reality, but different techniques are used for this, which should also be taken into account when adapting a text, translating it into foreign languages. It is not just the translation of a text, it is a full-fledged literary activity. In this case, the translator in a sense becomes the co-author of the writer.

Distinguishing characteristics of a fiction translation

A scientific text requires precision. For a literary text, it is also important. But it is not literal accuracy, but the ability to convey the nuances of meaning. A literary translation requires:

  • accuracy — sometimes literal, but more often semantic;
  • clarity that leaves no room for ambiguity;
  • conciseness — there is a certain correlation of words between languages, the structure cannot be exactly the same, but if the original text does not contain lengthy arguments, the finished text should not have them either;
  • transferring not only the meaning, but also a certain rhythm of the text (if poetry is involved).

All this requires a high level of skill of the translator. It is no coincidence that many of the classics have been translated by professional translators. For instance, the famous poet Boris Pasternak translated Shakespeare’s works. The English playwright’s sonnets are familiar to Russian-speaking readers through translations by Samuel Marshak. Not surprisingly, in many countries, copyright law extends to the work of the translator, as he or she partly becomes a co-author.

What problems do literary translators face?

Literary translation is one of the most difficult industries. It can be even more difficult than writing because of its severe restrictions. After all, a translator is not free to choose words but must find an analogue that accurately conveys the meaning. That is why literary translation is often viewed from a literary perspective.

Very often, literary translation involves locating realities that the translator may not be familiar with. A prime example is the Soviet translators who could not find an analogue for the word ‘hamburger’. They simply did not know what it was. Even in the era of globalisation, when there is no longer an iron curtain separating us from other countries, not all details of everyday life can be known to the author of a literary adaptation.

Another example is the translation of anagrams, puzzles and other unusual elements. A classic example is the translation of the Harry Potter books. As you know, the name of one of the characters, Tom Marvolo Riddle, is an anagram of the phrase «I am Lord Voldemort», and this is a key point of the book. Most translators, especially in non-alphabetic Eastern languages, had to make explanations and leave the original name unchanged. But in some countries translators have transformed the name according to the peculiarities of the mother tongue. For example, in the French translation the name sounds like Tom Elvis Jedusor, which is not only an anagram of «Je suis Voldemort», but also a reference to «Jeu du sort» (translated as «fatal enigma»). And there are many such examples, although books that could equal Joanne Rowling’s cycle in popularity are rare.

Translation of the book’s title is another problem. Often the translator has to choose a variant that is far from the original, but which appeals to readers.

Artistic translation is a real art. It requires the translator to be highly skilled, erudite, aware of many cultural realities.

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