About us

ATT — Translation Services was founded back in 2001. Our first order is very well remembered. The Latvians from Riga commissioned us to translate the script from Polish into Russian for the sequel to the feature film Sexmission. Which, however, was never released. But the translation was of high quality, which made us feel more confident that we had chosen the right direction.

In the early years, as a regional company, we delivered our services to Moscow-based translation companies. Long-term and fruitful cooperation was established. They had good orders and we had professional translators. Some of the biggest clients from that time in the early noughties were translation agencies such as Translate.ru (Alex), Disaron (Oleg), Lingvarius (Maria), Lingvo-plus (Artem), MedConsult (Mikhail) and many others. I would like to make special mention of our long-term friendship with the owner of a translation agency in Rostov-on-Don, A.V. Vinnikov, who taught us how to work successfully in the Russian market. Almost 20 years have passed since then, but the friendship with many owners and managers of these companies still remains.

Over time, especially with the move to the Czech Republic and then to Moscow, our office began to have regular direct customers from Russia and further abroad. After all, it was much easier to enter the international market at that time. Dutch greenhouse producers or Japanese «anything» manufacturers from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries started asking for our translations, as did institutions such as the Louvre in Paris, for digitising the Tsar’s music library, for example. Over the years we have had quite a few very interesting and large orders.

The move to Krasnodar in 2010 enabled the translation company to acquire a large number of local clients for our translation services. We specialize in written translation (technical, legal, medical and fiction) as well as in all kinds of notarial translations.

If you have an interesting project in mind, put it to us for consideration. You can be sure that we have the experience and capacity to handle it in the best way possible. You will be pleased with our speed of translations, low costs and high quality. So will the many customers who have had the pleasure of working with us for nearly 20 years.
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