Medical translation

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Medical translation

Medical translation is the most demanding type of translation. Our office will never undertake any translation unless we are certain of the result. Accurate wording, knowledge of medical terms and the possibility of using specialised literature and consulting a specialist doctor are more important here than anywhere else. Medical translation is most often required for consultations and treatment of patients in foreign medical centres. It is highly desirable, almost necessary that the translator has a medical rather than a linguistic or pedagogical education in order to produce a high-quality translation of medical content. And of course, our extensive experience in the field helps us to produce high-quality medical translations. Materials that we have translated include:

  • materials on registration of medicines;
  • medical device manuals;
  • laboratory test results and medical reports;
  • clinical records and outpatient records.

Medical translation is a type of scientific translation. It has its own peculiarities as compared to texts on technical or humanities subjects. The translator must be familiar with medical terms in the language pair they are working with. However, proficiency in Latin is also required, as it is still used in this type of document.

One of the difficulties of medical translation is that the translator not only needs to know languages and medical terms, but also Latin, the language in which many medical products are prescribed, abbreviations often used by doctors, and the often illegible handwriting of doctors in their native language.

Not all medical translations can be notarized. If it is a certificate for customs or airport workers, certified by the signatures and seals of the issuing institution, you should not have any problems. But if it is a handwritten diagnosis, medical statement and the like, often not stamped by the institution, there may be problems with the notarization of such medical documents. If we have any doubts about it we recommend our clients to show the document to a notary beforehand in order to avoid surprises after translation and only afterwards do we get down to work.

Besides the most demanded languages of medical translation: German, English and Hebrew, we can perform quality translations from and into other languages: Italian, French, Turkish and many others.

We would like to mention the long-term collaboration of our translation agency with the largest clinic in the South Russia region — Clinic Ekaterininskaya. We have been performing medical translations for this medical company for many years and we are proud to have been chosen as our translation service provider.


These services are commissioned for translation:

  • Discharge or full medical records.
  • Medical certificates and other similar documents.
  • Results of laboratory or instrumental diagnostics.
  • Commercial and educational presentations.
  • Documentation for medical and other equipment.
  • Drug summaries.
  • Textbooks, popular science books, and reference books.
  • Articles, dissertations, theses, etc.
  • Website content of clinics and other healthcare institutions.
  • Results of scientific research and drug tests etc.

In our office, you can order all these types of services. All texts are prepared in accordance with the standards applicable to these types of documents.
All the above-mentioned cases have their own specifics of medical translation, which requires profound theoretical knowledge.


This type of translation has certain peculiarities which are related to:

    • Use of specific terms in the text. International and national terms may be used to name the same disease.
    • Use of abbreviations and acronyms.
    • Increased requirements for accuracy. The treatment a person receives depends on it, i.e. the quality of medical translations has a direct effect on the life and health of patients.
    • Interrelation of medicine with other sciences. The translator is required to master the terminology in chemistry, medical technology, information technology, pharmacology, psychotherapy etc.

However, the same text can be translated in different ways. If the document is intended for the physician and will be used to fill out a medical record, the text will be clear, and concise, using terms accepted by national standards. If the text is intended for the patient and describes the treatment scheme, the translation will be as simple as possible, using descriptive turns. If the document is being translated for submission to government and regulatory forms, it will comply with the regulations and contain the prescribed paragraphs.


There are several challenges associated with medical translation. These are:

  1. The need to consider the context. For example, in English, the phrase «lateral column» in traumatology is translated as «outer edge of the foot», while in neurosurgery it is associated with the spinal cord.
  2. The use of both international terms and language-specific terms in the same text. For example, in English, the traditional word «heartburn» is often used instead of the internationally accepted term «pyrosis».
  3. The need for translation of measurement units. For example, in Russia, haemoglobin levels are measured in grams per litre, while in English-speaking countries, they are measured in grams per deciliter.

Given these difficulties, it may take more time to work with such a text than to work with documents of the same length but on a different topic. In the process of work, it may be necessary to clarify some details. The specifics of medical translation are such that you will need to work with handwritten texts such as medical histories or discharge summaries. Doctors’ handwriting and the abbreviations they use are not always easy to understand. The translator who translates all this will need to be fully immersed in medical information.


The time needed for medical translation depends on the length and complexity of the text, as well as on the language combination the translator is to work with. When working with a large translation agency, it is possible to distribute a large job, whether it is conference materials or content for websites, between several translators. This speeds up the process. After editing and proofreading, the customer receives a finished text, with a consistent style.


The cost of medical translation depends on the scope of work, translation language and complexity of the text. The price is calculated per the number of characters but also takes into account the complexity of the editing, the need for additional research, medical advice and so on. The transparent mechanism of price formation is one of the reasons why it is worth collaborating with TekhPerevod.


You can order translation services from our agency because we cooperate with the best translators in the industry. Our clients receive:

  • High-quality translation of documents, articles, and textbooks in compliance with industry standards.
  • Prompt order execution.
  • Transparent price formation.
  • Flexible terms of payment.

To order medical translation please leave your request on our website. In several minutes our manager will contact you to specify the terms.

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