Legal Translation

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One of the most challenging areas is the legal translation of documents. Accuracy of wording is very important here as it is a key issue for the legal profession — the slightest negligence can be grounds for evasion of obligations and legal action. Legal translation is needed for both corporate and private clients. The result of providing such services are legal documents — tangible media, executed in accordance with the requirements of the country in question. The ATT Translation Services Bureau offers competent and quick legal translations of various documents.

In today’s fast-paced world, the need for legal translation arises for many organisations and individuals. Here is just a small list of business and personal situations where the legal translation is needed:

  • international business development;
  • cooperation with foreign partners;
  • copyright or patent assertion;
  • buying and selling real estate;
  • legalization of inheritance;
  • conclusion of an employment contract.

The translation of legal texts is one of the most difficult types of linguistic work. In contrast to works of fiction, legal documents cannot be freely interpreted or supplemented. A legal translation shall be as meticulous as possible, accurately reflect the meaning of the primary document and be drafted in accordance with accepted standards.

Many of our translators are highly qualified lawyers, which gives them expertise in different areas of law and enables them to translate the following documents correctly:

  • agreements of the parties, agreements and contracts;
  • documentation for conducting or participating in tenders;
  • customs declarations, bills of lading and other documents for customs;
  • regulatory documentation and legislation;
  • constitutional and other legal documents.

Challenges of legal translation

The translation of legal documents requires a particularly careful approach and a highly qualified professional. A small inaccuracy can cause misinterpretation of the document as a whole, leading to a deal breakdown, lawsuits, financial losses and other unpleasantness.

Legal documentation in any language has an abundance of special terms, the meaning of which is not always clear even to native speakers of the language and can vary depending on the context. When translating, the task of the specialist is to translate the meaning of the original as correctly as possible and to avoid any distortion or ambiguity.

Legal documents must be written in a professional language. Use of constructions similar in meaning which are not customary in law, can have a detrimental effect on the client’s image and present it in an unfavourable light in the eyes of foreign partners, becoming a serious obstacle to the development of business relations. Therefore, the interpreter must also be a qualified lawyer and have an excellent command of professional terminology in his or her native language and in a foreign language.

Legal Translations

Translation of legal texts is complicated by the fact that they often use complex and cumbersome grammatical constructions, which requires the translator to have a perfect knowledge of the language pair and the ability to express himself legally.

Entrusting a legal translation to our agency, you will receive high-quality work, completed on time. Your order will be assigned to an employee specialising in this field of jurisprudence. Proofreading and editing are obligatory final stages of translation at our agency. Final proofreading enables to avoidance of misprints and linguistic roughness, which are undesirable in legal documentation.

Professional legal translation is one of the main specializations of our agency. For over 20 years we have managed to build a team of highly qualified specialists for whom translation of legal texts is a day-to-day chore.

Legal translation of texts

Legal translation of contracts and other documents from/to Italian is the most popular service at our agency. We also work with other languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Hindi and of course English languages. You can find the prices on this page.

Call our managers or leave your request on our website to order a translation of legal documentation. We will shortly get in touch with you to clarify your wishes and agree on the terms and costs of the work. The knowledge and experience of our specialists are aimed at ensuring that our clients solve their work tasks as quickly and successfully as possible and become our permanent partners.


If a business or entrepreneur starts doing business internationally, it may need legal translations:

Laws and regulations.
Contracts, letter of intent agreements, memoranda, etc.
Constituent documents on the basis of which the company operates.
Tender documents for foreign economic activity.
In some situations, legal translation of documents may be required by private individuals. These are documents such as power of attorney, documents confirming their citizenship, property rights, entry into the rights of inheritance, etc. It is important to remember that not only the translation of the document is needed but also its adaptation to the foreign legal practice and to the formal legal requirements. Our specialists can be consulted in our office and they can help you find an international analogue of the document.

In the same way, as in other fields of science, a legal translation is also needed for articles that are published in scientific publications. It is necessary for handbooks and textbooks and other documentation.


The specifics of legal translation lie in the fact that it must convey not only the semantic and terminological content of the original text but also its stylistics. Different countries have their own stable combinations used in the legal sphere, which should never be swapped for their carbon copy equivalents. A legal translation requires the same level of accuracy as a medical translation. The quality of medical translation determines human life and health, while legal translation determines the well-being and protection of rights.

The specifics are that a high-quality legal translation requires an understanding of jurisprudence, not only Russian but also foreign. This will ensure knowledge of the context, without which it is simply impossible to move on. For instance, «claim» in English depending on the context can mean an ordinary debt claim, a lawsuit or even a simple statement. In total, there are more than twenty different meanings. This is what a professional interpreter’s job is for so that you can find the one that makes sense.


You can get an accurate legal translation by contacting us. We offer:

  • Stylistic, grammatical and lexical accuracy of the translation — our agency engages professional lawyers for checking.
  • Thorough text editing and proofreading.
  • Execution of the order within the agreed deadline.
  • Transparent pricing.
  • Flexible terms of collaboration and encouragement of loyal clients.

You can order a legal translation on the site by submitting an application. You can also fill in the feedback form to contact the manager by phone. Choose a convenient order form and agree on details at the initial stage!

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