Translation of standards

Translation of standards

One of the most difficult tasks for a translator is translating standards. These normative documents — contain a lot of technical and legal terms and graphic information.

The translation of standards involves translating technical documents that establish guidelines, requirements, or specifications for a particular industry or activity. Standards can cover a wide range of topics, including quality management, environmental management, information technology, safety, and security.

Translation of standards requires specialized knowledge of the subject matter and terminology used in the standards, as well as a thorough understanding of the target language and culture. It is important to ensure that the translated version accurately conveys the same meaning and intent as the original text.

In addition, many standards bodies require that translations be performed by certified translators and reviewed by subject matter experts to ensure accuracy and consistency. This ensures that the translated version of the standard is reliable and can be used by businesses, organizations, and individuals around the world.


When translating such documents, several difficulties can be encountered:

  • The need to retain the original structure of the document or to adapt it to the legislation.
  • The presence in the original text of a large amount of numerical information, abbreviations and acronyms, which the translation should also contain.
  • Discrepancies in units of measurement. Not all countries use international standards and the translation takes into account the specifics of the country where the ready document will be used

All this requires the translator to have knowledge of various fields of science and technology.


Translation of standards is a complex linguistic task. It includes:

  • Translation of the text, if necessary — consultation with experts in the industry.
  • Checking of the translation. The finished text is necessarily read by an editor, who corrects all errors and inaccuracies and ensures compliance with a uniform style.
  • Adaptation of standards to current legal requirements — this applies to structure and rules of document formatting.
  • The layout of the finished document is in the agreed format.

Our company cooperates with translators who specialise in working with such texts. We offer translation of documents into all European and Eastern languages. The cost of the work depends on its volume and complexity, as well as on the couple the translator has to deal with. The customer will get the amount as soon as they send in an application specifying the amount of the text and other conditions of work.

To order a translation, you just need to leave an application on the website and wait for a call back from the manager to agree on the details of the contract.

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