Translation of the contract

Translation of the contract

If a company conducts foreign trade activities, it needs the translation of contracts. This is necessary to protect the interests of the business.

This type of translation falls under the heading of legal translation. This means that it is more complex and responsible when dealing with such documents. A minor error in translation can severely damage the reputation of the organisation that will sign contracts with foreign companies. Not only the reputation may be affected, but the consequences of having mistakes in the translation of contracts may be even more disastrous. There have been cases where a wrongly interpreted contract has been challenged in court and rescinded, resulting in significant financial losses. Therefore, it is very important to choose carefully the organisation that will provide your firm with legal translation services.

Our law office mostly deals with the translation of contracts from or into English. But, of course, there are orders with other language pairs: Italian, German, Dutch, French, Polish, etc. As a rule, the translation is made in Word format in the form of two columns, going parallel to each other in the paragraphs, one-to-one. On one side is the original contract test and on the other side is the translation.

Например, вот так:

Договор № 1712-2019 Agreement № 17-12-2019
г. Краснодар                        __________2019

РФ/ Япония

City of Krasnodar                          _________2019

Russian Federation/Japan

Индивидуальный предприниматель _____________________________, ОГРНИП  _____________________________, действующий на основании Свидетельства о государственной регистрации серия ___ № ____________ от ____________, выданного Межрайонной инспекции Федеральной налоговой службы №4  России по Краснодарскому краю, именуемый в дальнейшем «Исполнитель», с одной стороны, и

“________________” в лице Исполнительного Директора ____________________, действующего на основании Устава, (далее — «Заказчик«), с другой стороны заключили настоящий договор о нижеследующем:

Individual Entrepreneur _______________________________, OGRNIP _______________________________, acting on the basis of the State Registration Certificate series ____ № ____________ ____________, issued by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service № 4 of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory, registered in the additional “Contractor”, on the one hand, and

“_____________________” represented by the Executive Director _________________, acting under the Charter (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”), on the other hand, have concluded this agreement as follows:

And so on…

This bilingual contract, signed on both sides, is legally binding in both signatory countries. In addition to its main function — discussing and securing the terms and conditions of a transaction or long-term cooperation — it must also be submitted to a banking institution for registration. Otherwise, it will not be possible for the money to reach your account.

The Remarque legal translation company has 20 years of experience with translations, including all types of contracts. By contacting our company you can be sure of professionalism and individual approach to your tasks.


Businesses and private individuals can sign different types of contracts. For example, they may be service contracts. For private individuals, the translation of contracts of this nature is relevant when:

  • obtaining medical services in other countries;
  • you enrol at a public school or university;
  • when buying consultancy services — for example, when a person needs legal advice.

For an enterprise, translation of contracts of this type is needed when providing marketing, auditing and legal services. If a company orders the development of a website, corporate identity and logo, and other services of this kind, these relations are also formalised by a contract of this type. The conclusion of contracts allows you to fix the rights and obligations of the parties. And a professional translation of the contract is a guarantee that all of them will be accurately transferred to the new document.

It is better to order the translation of contracts to professional translators who have been working in this field for a long time and have knowledge both in the field of law and in field of economics.


Only legal entities conclude such contracts in foreign economic activities. Professional translation of the supply agreement is a guarantee of the fact that the document will reflect all the main characteristics of the goods, terms of transportation and payment. Translation of a purchase and sale agreement shall be exact and requires knowledge not only in the field of law but also in the field of finance and even commodity science.


When citizens buy real estate or vehicles in other countries, they need a translation of the contract of sale. Only with this document will it be possible to prove ownership. Sometimes a translation of the agreement into Russian is needed so that the buyer can read it carefully and make changes if necessary.


All translations of contracts require care. The translation of a tenancy agreement is no exception. Such agreements are made, for example, when you lease a vehicle or real estate. Translation of the contract into Russian can help to avoid many misunderstandings.


The translation of contracts retains the structure of the original text. The translator first has to interpret the text, untangle complicated grammatical constructions and only then formalise the text in accordance with accepted standards.

The contract and its specifications may contain clichés and terms which have been adopted by the company’s internal rules and regulations. This has to be taken into account in the translation — if necessary, the translator will consult with the company’s lawyers.


Our agency offers translation of contracts for external economic activity into any European and Eastern languages. All documents undergo editorial review. Translation of a contract will be approved only in case it contains no mistakes or inaccuracies.

Addressing us our clients receive:

  • execution of translation in due time;
  • drawing up the document in accordance with the accepted practice;
  • transparent pricing, which depends on the volume and complexity of the work
  • opportunity to choose the method of payment.

You can order a translation by calling us on the specified number or by sending an online application form.

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