Translation of CVs

Translation of CVs

A frequently requested service in our company is the translation of a CV from Italian into a foreign language, most often into English. To work for a foreign company abroad, and sometimes even in Italy, it is often necessary to submit a well-written CV in an international language, which is now English. Of course, there are also German or Dutch companies which are better to submit their data in their native language, German or Dutch respectively, but even they can receive a resume in English a commonly understood and accepted business language of the world.

As well as translating your CV, you will often need a cover letter, a portfolio of the applicant’s work and notarised translations of educational documents which are required for employment purposes. Thus you will have a large package of documents to translate. Our translation agency offers serious discounts for the translation of large sets of documents.

We have three options for translating your documents into a foreign language:

  1. Translation into a foreign language is done by a professional domestic translator. This is the most economical option.
  2. The translation is done by our translator but with additional proofreading and editing by a native speaker.
  3. A translation is done entirely by a native translator with specialist training and extensive experience.

The cost of each item goes up, but it often makes sense to overpay in order to get high quality and formalised to all the standards of the country where your application for employment will be submitted. Who better than a native speaker of that language who was born in that country knows how best to present your information to the employer and how best to format it? This is not only the translation of documents, but also the careful preparation of documents so that the employer sees your CV as solid and professional.

Peculiarities of translating a CV into English

There are often two terms in English which mean one word in Russian: CV. They are CV (curriculum vitae) and Resume. The difference is that a CV is more common in Europe and Resume in the States. In the modern world, the distinction between these terms is blurred, and you can find both names in Europe as well as in the US.

Structure of CVs in English. Most often the information goes in the following order:

  1. Personal information.
  2. Purpose of CV
  3. Your education
  4. Additional education and your qualifications
  5. Work experience in your profession.
  6. Your personal qualities and strengths
  7. Special and personal skills
  8. Diplomas, commendations and awards
  9. Academic background, if any
  10. List of scholarly publications
  11. Your membership in professional organisations
  12. Recommendation letters and contacts of people who can recommend you.

You can order a translation of your CV by using the contact forms on our website, by calling us on the telephone or by writing to us by post. As a rule, a CV translation does not need to be notarized and you can do it without going to the office and doing all the work remotely.

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